Meet Benjamin Divine



Be A Catalyst For Blessings

My early adult life was spent soul searching, healing, overcoming consistent hardship and traumas, and much more. As someone who died at birth, I never thought I'd live to see past 27, and when I did, my spirit shifted even more. I obtained self love at 29 and since then it's been a journey into the rebirth of who I am. Now 33 at the time this was written, I am truly living my Divine Purpose and is in full alignment with it. This is only the beginning.

My purpose in life is to leave positive footprints on people's spirits in all I do. Most know me for doing this creatively with poetry & from daily being a genuine spirit.  After an experience in life that was definitely a lesson, I stop chasing money New Years Eve 2018. As a result, I was gifted the talent to craft jewelry.

I have a goal to teach 1,000,000 people the importance of self mastery with the usage of one of nature's highest catalyst for blessings: gemstones. Energy is not only currency, but rightfully its own language. Everyone may not speak english, but everyone speaks energy. For to truly embody the elevation of one's mind, body, and spirt whole heartedly is what it truly means to be Gem Stone Drippin.

Love You To Life Family!! Asé Dat Way!!!